By the mid 1960s, Hammer had reinvented pretty much all of the original Universal monsters; although the age of the sequel was still in […]

Arguably something of a misfire from the Hammer House of Horror… Directed and produced by Michael Carreras. Written by Henry Younger (Michael Carreras). Photography […]

The Curse of the Werewolf, made by Hammer in 1961, was released on 1st May in that year. Directed by Terence Fisher. Screenplay by […]

In John Gilling’s atmospheric 1966 thriller The Reptile, a small village in Cornwall is suffering from an outbreak of mysterious deaths that are simply […]

There is a belief, even among the most devout fans of Hammer horror, that as their Dracula franchise progressed, the films became steadily worse. […]

Hammer’s 1959 retelling of The Mummy took inspiration from the Universal movies which had gone before, but added a visceral new horror to its […]

British character actor Michael Ripper, the Hammer stalwart who appeared in more of their films than any other actor, was born in Portsmouth, England, […]