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Aurora Monster Models

Aurora Monster Models – turning every boy’s dream into a nightmare!

by Nige Burton

The first of the Aurora monster models was Frankenstein, although the kit was, of course, of the Monster.

From a sculpture by Jack Lemon, based on a Marx’s wind-up walker toy, the original prototype was shown at the HIAA annual convention in January, 1962. No orders were received until the last day of the show, when industry representatives were allowed to bring their families. On that day, Chicago distributor Al Davis’s sons Glenn and Fred wandered into the Aurora exhibit. Instead of grabbing the planes, cars or trucks, they made straight for the Monster, and Davis placed an order. A couple of California distributors saw this and placed orders too.

Aurora monster models Frankenstein instructions

Instructions for the original Aurora Frankenstein monster model

Aurora shipped the kits, and a few days later the phone started ringing: ‘Can we have some more monsters?’ As it became obvious that the Frankenstein kit was going to be a huge success, the rest of the line-up was rushed into production. Dracula came next, followed by the Wolf Man, both of these being in stores in time for Christmas 1962.

A Pictorial History of Universal Monsters Volume 1: The Twenties and Thirties

The following year saw The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Mummy and the Phantom of the Opera, with the Hunchback of Notre Dame, King Kong and Godzilla coming in 1964. Dr Jekyll as Mr Hyde was not released until 1965. Later that year, the Bride of Frankenstein and the Witch went into production, but it was a miscalculation by Aurora; girls tended not to buy model kits, and female characters don’t appeal to 10 year old boys.

Aurora monster models James Bama box art

 Iconic Aurora box art by James Bama for The Mummy, Wolf Man and Dracula – these were the original, non-glow-in-the-dark editions in oblong boxes

The last of the line of Aurora monster models was The Forgotten Prisoner of Castel Mare, which was created in association with Warren Magazines. The story of the hapless prisoner was told in the August 1970 edition of Creepy. As famous as the models today is James Bama’s fantastic box art, and a mere glimpse of it recalls fantastic childhood memories for many an ‘old boy’.

Aurora monster models Famous Monsters ad

A typical Aurora monster model double page advert from Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine

As sales dwindled, Aurora attempted to revitalise the range with their ‘Frightening Lightning’ and ‘Glows in the Dark’ series in 1969, which featured new, square boxes (the originals had been rectangular) and an extra sprue with some phosphorescent plastic parts. The move worked, and once again the monsters racked up sales from a new generation of 1970s kids.

Nige Burton is the founder and editor of Classic Monsters of the Movies magazine. A lifelong horror film enthusiast, he contributes regularly to the genre through his range of publications. He is also a published novelist and photographer.

A Pictorial History of Universal Monsters Volume Two: The Forties and Fifties

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    Kendall Square
    August 30, 2014


    Richard Harland
    December 11, 2014

    Are any of these models still available?

    Kevin Woodhead
    January 12, 2015


    We currently have an unmade AURORA “THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA” Glow in the Dark Monster Model Kit (missing phosphorescent plastic parts) in its original box for sale on Ebay – just in case you are interested.

    Robert Ursillo
    March 13, 2015

    They need to bring them back

    April 1, 2015

    I loved these kits as a kid growing up in the 70s. I got mine as re-issues and I just wrote a post on my blog specifically about Aurora’s King Kong models. Thought I’d share a link here:

    Grant H
    May 12, 2015

    @ Richard Harland
    YES, you can find these babies available all over the internet. I wish I could show mine here. I have about half the series again and am ecstatic! As a youngster, I had all but four, I think, and over time they were all lost. Now my growing collection stands above my desk.

    Doug Freeman
    October 28, 2015

    I built EVERY one of those models in the series, even the Witch, when I was a kid. The years were 1973 through late 1975, so it was the square box, ‘Glow-in-the-Dark’ versions. I carefully packed them up when we moved in 1977, but the models never made it to the new house. Perhaps my parents thought all the waded up newspaper there to protect from breakage was a box of trash and unknowingly threw them out.

    Kevin titley
    January 14, 2016

    Has anybody got the classic universal monsters keyrings that came free from Kensington n roller crisp packets in the 70s

    Michael Raff
    January 15, 2016

    I had them all, except for the Prisoner and the two girl models. My room looked like a chamber of horrors. I lost them when we moved to California, but a few years ago, I purchased my favorites, Frankenstein Monster and the Mummy and how they hold a proud place in my curio cabinet.

    Chris Wolfenden
    September 4, 2016

    Had frankly. Built him and displayed him

    As a kid was brilliant

    October 29, 2016

    I had both series of models. The Originals, and then the phosphorescents. I don’t have any of them left but I’ll remember them till the day I die. It’s great to see this article. Thanks!

    November 14, 2016

    Had all of them (glow in the dark)….then blew them apart one day with a BB gun…would love to re-aquire them…..

    Clay Cortinas, San Jacinto, CA USA
    November 15, 2016

    I bought and assembled every one of them (including the Bride & the Witch). They were great fun and a source of pride on my block. I still possess the original King Kong and Wolfman models from the 60’s. I also assembled the Hawk Plastics Co. “Weird OH” kits. What a great childhood, both then and now!

    November 23, 2016

    I had them all, except Bride of Frankenstein. And that was only because I never knew she was available (no internet, nor Toys R Us back then!).

    Charley Brady
    November 24, 2016

    This article — and this site! — brings back some wonderful memories.

    I started building the monsters in either the late 60s or early 70s, around the same time that I discovered the Classics on a late night show on a Scottish TV channel called ‘Don’t Watch Alone’. They showed six ‘Frankenstein’s followed by four ‘Dracula’s, two on ‘The Mummy’ and so on. It was the beginning of an obsession that I never grew out of.

    I remember being so excited by my first purchase of The Frankenstein Monster that I built it before I bought the paints. After that, I learned patience.

    Many thanks for the memories!

    Eugene Wilkes
    January 23, 2017

    I have everyone of these still from my childhood I have had them in a showcase for 40 plus years some of them. I noticed some on ask if they could maybe find some to put together I know a company named Polar Lights makes some and are real close to originals. I love my universal Monster That is what started me in the Haunted House business Thanks for sharing.

    January 31, 2017

    Thanks for the great article on the Aurora Monster Model Kits! It brought forth my childhood memories of being alone in my room, painting and building them, and then, displaying them proudly (still in the bedroom. The parents forbid them from the rest of the house and didn’t understand my passion for monsters….alas!)
    Maybe another article on models could be posted based on monsters like the Dark Shadows kits featuring Barnabas Collins and the Werewolf. Or the Vampirella and torture rack with victim playsets that were quickly removed from shelves after parents complained of their sadistic appearance.
    Keep up the good work!

    Chris Kostolefsky
    May 29, 2017

    Had all of them. Won some competitions with them. I wish I had held on to them. I spent a lot of time building monsters in my basement!

    Carl Hancock
    June 5, 2017

    Carl UK

    I remember being maybe 7 or 8 years old in 1967/8 and visiting my cousin and who had Frankenstein and I really wanted one but for some reason never did until 1972 when I got the glow in the dark Frankenstein and that started the passion for these wonderful model kits I had them all over the years and I still have a few now. many hours of fun painting and gluing in the back garden on a summers day.

    Mike Hardenbrook
    September 29, 2017

    I purchased all the primary monsters, put them together and painted them with a non gloss paint that smelled like Pine Sol.
    After a Navy westpac to VietNam. Mom & Dad lost the house and all my model’s and comics were gone. I heatd there was a fire at the Aurora factory and the molds to those Monsters were distroyed. I found them at a Hobby Shop in the 1980’s so I bought them back. Originally they were $1.50 per model in the 60’s. Now they were $15.00, I didn’t care. Still have them unopened on a shelf in my study. Universal Monsters were big in the 1960s, Famous Monsters of filmland.i still have a few. Loved those innocent days of youth. My paper route money them paid for this stuff. I gotta find that same flat color paint and do it again now that I’m retired. Good to hear others loved those things like myself.

    October 10, 2017

    Mike, Hobby Boss makes a wonderful flat paint additive. When you combine it with even gloss paints, the result is flat, flat, flat! Interestingly, it comes in two types of smoothness if you want to add a little texture.
    I add this to everything I build for my 1/12 classic monster dioramas and the result is richly atmospheric.
    You may have to special order it over the internet… I live in Japan and they have it everywhere here. Don’t know if it’s available in shops overseas.

    Dave m.
    October 11, 2017

    I have an original 1962 aurora wolfman sealed in box. Any interest out there?

    John Lidwell
    October 13, 2017

    I was one of those kids in the 70’s that couldn’t get enough of them! In the past 7 or 8 years I have found these again and started building them like I did as a kid, only now I’m a whole lot better at it! Love them!!

    arthur j O'Rourke
    October 18, 2017

    had all themonster models back in 1960’s, still have them today! at the ageof 62, just bought ” the invisible man”!

    Larry Canter
    October 22, 2017

    The first monster model I ever had was DRACULA. I was in the fourth grade and It was Christmas and we were exchanging gifts in my class. I a traded a model car for it. The girl that gave me the car wasn’t really thrilled, but it started a life-long love of monsters and models that’s lasted to this day.I doubt if the girl still remembers me OR the car,but I never forgot the model.

    March 16, 2018

    My cousin had several of the Aurora kits in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s some ‘Original’ and some with the “Glows In The Dark” feature.

    Joth Gambold
    July 14, 2018

    I excitedly bought The Wolf Man in the square box from Bud Morgan’s Model Kit shop in the Castle Arcade in Cardiff for my 11th Birthday. I had been given a Eumig Sound Projector and the Castle Films 200ft title, Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man and was desperate to get the Aurora Model. The film is still in my possession; the kit unfortunately not!

    Joth Gambold
    July 14, 2018

    Of course a very important Dracula model features in the brilliant Tobe Hooper 1980’s TV version of Salem’s Lot. I really thought the Art Designer had secretly taken research shots in my bedroom!

    Rick Schweiger
    August 11, 2018

    I remember seeing an ad in a comic book for a snap together Frankenstein model and bought it from Rexall drug store. Turns out I purchased the Aurora Frankenstein instead.( the comic book ad was for the Frankenstein in the Dr. Deadly set which was a snap together). I cried most of the evening because I was unable to put it together. My dad told me to stop at the dime store the next day after school and ask for a tube of air plane glue. Unfortunately they wouldn’t sell a seven year old air plane glue in 1968. Over the next couple of years I purchased all twelve monster models( The Bride Of Frankenstein wasn’t available during the “Frighting Lightning” re-issue). I still have them and are displayed in two bookcases. ( most have been repainted due to the origainal painting of a seven year old.

    Nicholas green
    August 15, 2018

    Do you know of anywhere someone can purchase these monster models or newer reproductions of them to build that doesn’t cost an arm or leg , 70.00 to 100.00 dollars or more just seems to expensive to me . I had these when I was a kid and had lots of fun building

    August 15, 2018

    I pretty much had them all, glued and hand-painted with the love and respect they deserved! Also, couldn’t wait every month to get the newest issue of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine!! Will always have those childhood memories – used to watch all the classic movies on the Morgus the Magnificent show out of New Orleans while living in Biloxi. MS.

    August 18, 2018

    I make all of the Aurora monster boxes long boxes, frightening lightning, glow boxes, monsters of the movies, monster scenes, monster rods, prehistoric scenes and even TV movie related boxes. Pasttimetoys at yahoo

    Don Place
    August 28, 2018

    I had all these kits as a kid and loved. loved.. painting them and building them. I remember making a special display table made just to showcase these childhood monster favs. I also loved every movie that ever came out that featured Frankenstein, Dracular, Wolfman and the like. I have recentley purchased the original movies in a DVD package that have every movie I grew up with. Those we’re fun days and great memories,

    Rob from Italy
    September 4, 2018

    I remember them. I lived in Italy and I had King Kong, the Mummy and Dr Jekyll, while one of my best friend had the Witch and the forgotten prisoner. I wanted to collect them all, but they were too expensive for me, and I hadn’t money. Their price was £ 3500-4000 lire, that’s around 3-4 dollars a box in the 1970s, but you could purchase an icecream or a chocolate with ony 20 cents. Thanks for your webpage. Rob.

    Joseph Torres
    October 15, 2018

    Love them when I was a kid

    Robert Goode
    October 17, 2018

    I’ve still got seven (Frankenstein, Godzilla, the Wolfman, the Creature, King Kong, the Mummy, and the Hunchback) of them that I built in the early 70s (thanks for not throwing those away, Mom!) and 4 others (Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, Dr Jekyl, and the Forgotten Prisoner) that I’ve built more recently from the Polar Lights kits.
    You can usually find the Polar Lights kits on eBay for about $25 plus shipping.

    James Ealey
    October 21, 2018

    I have 7 of these I put together in 1969, when I was sick with phemonia, making them 48 years old now that I still have as good as new. Dracula, Mummy, Frankinstein, Wolfman, Forgotton Prisoner, Hunchback of NotreDame, Jekell as Hyde. What a memory these are.

    Marc Ferrari
    November 14, 2018

    Are you by chance selling this models?

      Classic Monsters
      November 21, 2018

      Hi Marc – we don’t sell the models, but if you shop around on auction sites you can probably still track them down.

    Brian Hall
    December 23, 2018

    Funny, I just woke from a dream that had these monster models in it. I had most of the glow in the dark versions when I was a kid. Great childhood memory – I was always so excited every time I got a new kit. My bedroom was a glow in the dark horror movie site! Great childhood memories.

    Woody Woodrum
    January 16, 2019

    I loved those monsters and had both sets, the original and then the “glow in the dark” set. I don’t think they made the move with parents in 1970 to our new home, a real shame as I would love to have them now! I also love the fact that so many other subscribers to Classic Monsters also were “Monster Kids” in the 1960s and 1970s. The older boys in our neighborhood did a Haunted House one Halloween in the 60s, and featured many of the monster kits these high school age boys used (along with spaghetti “worms” and jello “brains.” Everyone of them were also Monster Kids, which raised our young opinions of these teens! Great memories!

    Jeffrey Thomas Elks
    February 11, 2019

    I had the entire collection of original issues. The first one I bought was Dracula at a cost of 98-cents US. As the series grew, so did my collection. I loved painting and building every one of them. I had an entire wall in my bedroom displaying them proudly. I even had the “Giant” Frankenstein monster complete with moveable arms and chains. Fondly remember all of them as I spent many hours experiencing the fun of building something I enjoyed so much at the movies.

    Gary Henault
    May 14, 2019

    Had the entire set beginning in 1961 with Frankenstein. Still have them…. but not the boxes….who would have known the boxes would be so valuable. My Creature from the Black Lagoon is currently in a museum. The International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland Maine. Donated it a few years ago. Has been interesting over the years to see websites about these models and the stories behind the art of the boxes etc.

    Jarvis Young
    June 2, 2019

    I remember when FAMOUS MONSTERS had a customizing contest. Seems like just about every kid that I knew had an entry…some very creative. I also remember that the ultimate winner had a King Kong model destroying a miniature City scape complete with an electric train. Great memories !

    Barry Gellman
    June 29, 2019

    they left out the invisible man , probably the besr diaroma of them all I have one sealed , need a king kong to complete my collection . Built them with my dad now again with my son

    Heather Borland Wallace
    August 16, 2019

    I simply loved these models as a kid. I had the ‘glow in the dark’ ones, Frankenstein, Quasimodo, Dracula and the forgotten prisoner. I’m female and found it interesting reading about the witch and Frankenstein bride as I never added them to my collection. Sadly I outgrew the toys ( not really toys) and must have given them away. Shame. I should have held on to them fir my own grandkids now!

    David The Monster Bidwell
    August 28, 2019

    Love this!

    Terry Noon.
    September 16, 2019

    I absolutely loved those models but never owned any. My childhood friend did and I was mesmerised by them. He used to paint them so brilliantly as if James Bama had done them himself..!! Thank you so much for this web page, you’ve made an old man very happy.

    October 3, 2019


    I had most of these when I was a kid and wish I still did. I was one of the few boys that actually liked the witch (not bride of Frankenstein).

    Is there any plan to bring the whole series back? I would be first in line!


    October 12, 2019


    Thomas short
    October 20, 2019

    I had these when on holiday in America, myself and my two cousins had the vampire, mummy, frankenstein and wolfman models , if i remember correctly you had a choice of putting on a “ normal “ head , hands etc or glow in the dark ones? Plus paint toadd colur , we were very young and i remember being scared by the “ glowing” figures, that and a vivid imagination and a sadistic big cousin lol
    Great days

    Ron Able
    November 12, 2019

    I’m so glad that the ones that I built in my youth, I still. With, extra pieces/parts, instructions and of course the boxes with the amazing artwork of James Bama. I’ll be 53 in December and I still love the Universal classics as much ad I did 50 years ago. I’ll never grow up…Thank God!!

    Gary Stanley
    January 15, 2020


    James Matysiak
    January 16, 2020

    Used to love building these Monsters in the 60’s.

    Then blowing them up with fireworks on the Fourth of July.

    Total Fun

    Stephen Van Zandt
    February 28, 2020

    I have 9 completed, beautifully-painted Aurora monster models that I built in my youth in the late 60’s to early 70s. The monsters (and the date stamp on their bottoms) are as-follows:

    Frankenstein 1961
    Dracula 1962
    Wolfman 1962
    The Creature 1963
    The Phantom of the Opera 1963
    The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1963
    Godzilla 1964
    King Kong 1964
    Forgotten Prisoner 1966

    If anyone is interested, I can be reached at

    Steve VZ

    June 12, 2020

    Great stuff

    June 12, 2020

    I had all of them as a kid. Painted them and now all these years later I don’t know were the ended up.

    Michael Dinsmore
    June 17, 2020

    I had Frankenstein, Creature, Wolf-man, Phantom of the Opera,Hunchback and Dr. Jekyll in the 60’s. Later my older brothers friend kept teasing me about it so I took them outside one day and smashed them all with a hammer. I saved all the parts in a box under my dads workbench still wanting to keep them secretly and found out when I was in my late 30’s that my dad found them and thru them away thinking it was just junk. Boy was I crushed. I went and bought the re-issues. This time I added Dracula and the mummy but no Phantom, Hunchback or Dr. Jekyll. Still in the box. Someday I will rebuild them. Just the box art is incredible. Aurora Euphora.

    Mike Blette
    July 11, 2020

    I had most of these models from the 1960’s series. My oldest brother did a great paint job on Frankenstein. My brothers got me into the classic Universal monsters by showing me Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein at a young age, and I did the same with my kids. At any rate I was afraid of the models (although I loved having them), and hid them away in the alcoves of our attic. Somehow they all disappeared over the years. I would display them with pride if I still had them today. I was also a huge fan of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine.

    August 26, 2020

    I had several of these models . I used to watch Shock Theater and enjoyed Frankenstein , Wolf man ,and the mummy .

    Danny Brown
    September 5, 2020

    Still have my original 1962 Frankenstein model which is on proud display. Still have The Phantom, King Kong, and Hunchback too. Somehow lost parts to the Creature, Bride of, Mummy and Wolfman/Dracula, which I just recently trashed due to missing parts. I held on to them for years as I loved those models!

    Lewis H Mikulecky
    September 10, 2020

    I had all twelve on display in my room as a kid. I talked my mom into not making me dust them off and that added even more old creepyness to them. I packed them up when I joined the Army an left them in a storage locker, unfortunately they ended up being trashed or auctioned off when my girl friend detailed on the rent. I remember them very well and would love to see them come back so my boys and I could enjoy putting them together and display them for our favorite holiday, HALLOWEEN.

    M -
    October 19, 2020

    Re “Aurora Monster Models – turning every boy’s dream into a nightmare!”

    How ’bout every girl’s dream into a vision?

    Growing up I was the antithesis of a “proper little girl” but was the darling of all the little boys in the neighborhood as we traded our monster bubble gum cards.

    I remember my Dad and I putting together Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

    Happy memories.

    Denise OBrien
    November 25, 2020

    Grew up on these models

    December 4, 2020

    I was first introduced to Aurora’s Universal Monsters kits when I was 5 back in 1969. My older cousins had them laying around in their bedrooms in various states of assembly, with some not even opened yet.

    Add to that time, the pile of horror magazines they had laying around with names like WEIRD, TALES FROM THE TOMB and WITCHES TALES, and Saturday night horror shows like Creature Features and Chiller Theater, both out of New York.

    It was a time like no other for us kids, and thanks to several companies like Polar Lights and Moebius, some of us old Boomers have been able to relive our childhoods and do so with these gorgeous kits with the amazing box art and the coolest instruction sheets ever!

    At 57, those days are long behind me
    (as are my wild haired head banging days of the 80’s) but these kits, even if they’re reissues, have captured the spirit of the day like never before.

    Batman, Lost In Space and other great TV shows…Daisy Red Ryder BB Guns, playing outside and riding our bikes until sunset, the old Sears Christmas catalog, horror magazines and Aurora Monster Models…what more could ‘ya want back then (aside from a ride in the Jupiter 2?) 😂

    These were the best days of my life!

    William Cee
    December 11, 2020

    I have a monster/horror model kit collection to liquidate anyone know who buys 250+ collections? If so contact me

    Steve Marciante
    December 20, 2020

    Nice story on the origins thank you

    Brad Holland
    December 23, 2020

    The Mummy was my first model in 1963, followed by Frankenstein. I have always loved the Mummy the most and The Mummy’s Ghost 1944, was my favorite Mummy movie with Lon Chaney Jr. I ended up collecting the first 12 models that my Mom & Dad painted for me. I wish I still had them today. I think they got thrown away by me instead of regluing them in the early 70s. What a waste of a treasure. But now I have them all again, with only 6 built up. Sweet memories though of my Grandma buying some too. I could shed a tear not having the originals now, but I sure remember them. I remember watching Chiller Theatre at home with my Mom, and over at my Grandma’s house too with a big ole bowl of ice cream she would fix me with hot homemade chocolate dope syrup (thats what we called it in the 60s…dope), made on the stove that Grandma would make. Wish I could go back in time and see my dear Grandma again.

    December 30, 2020

    My first Aurora Monster model was Dracula, which I got for Christmas in 1970. The timing was perfect, since in September of that year Creature Features debuted on Chicago’s WGN TV Ch 9. It came on Saturday nights at 10:30 and the first film they showed was the Bela Lugosi DRACULA, so I was well primed by the time I received the model. It was the glow in the dark edition, and in time my collection came to include Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Creature From the Black Lagoon, The Mummy, The Phantom of the Opera and King Kong — pretty much all in that order. The only one I still have is Kong.

    Troy Thibodeaux
    January 5, 2021

    I was too young at the time to build any of them, but I remember my older brother showing me the mummy in the dark.

    Great memories, cool model kits.
    I still have my brothers copy of the 1973 Aurora Hobby kits magazine. I wish I could post photos of Classic Movie Monsters pages.

    January 12, 2021

    I have the phosphorus mummy in the box but the box is rectangular.

    Andy Thorsen
    January 17, 2021

    Thank you for your website. It has brought about wonderful childhood memories for me. Many an hour were spent making Aurora Monster Models–I had them all. My favorites were the Wolfman and Frankenstein. Thanks again.


    Arthur O Rourke
    January 22, 2021

    update on new released monster model’s plastic kits!

    arthur russo
    January 28, 2021

    My cousin from Brooklyn used to build these for me in the mid 70’s when I was about 7. A few years ago I found the witch in a hobby shop and have since hunted down and built the mummy, dracula, godzilla, and I am currently working on the phantom of the opera. Other horror models I’ve built that are not aurora’s include Nosferatu, a different version of Creature From the Black Lagoon, and Michael Myers. I just fell in love with them all over again and I can’t get enough.

    Edward Rhodes
    March 15, 2021

    I did a play based on the Universal Monsters back in 1975. Frankenstein, Dracula, The Hunchback, and The Phantom. I found the “Glow” models at a JC Penny and bought all four, putting them together and taking them to the theater. (When you ride the subway, you will hit dead zones where the lights go out. When you’re carrying an open box of glow in the dark models, they stare at you when the lights come back on!) At the theater, we had a black out moment. The director was in the dressing room and caught me later, saying; “You could have WARNED me they were going to glow in the dark!

    Jeff Fleming
    April 4, 2021

    Hi , Can these models still be purchased , and if so where can I get them . I had a few as a kid and would love to collect them again . Thank you .

    April 16, 2021

    I own the 1969 AURORA catalogue wich includes the standard productline of scale models as well as six pages of monsters and super heroes…

    May 2, 2021

    I had Frankenstein, Dracula and the Wolfman as a 6yr old kid back in the 70s. I loved them until we moved that winter to a very old and very creepy house on the shore.
    When that cold wind would come off the ocean it made that drafty old house even colder, the wood and walls shake, creak and groan, enough to scare the snot out of any 6yr old.

    But not to fear, I had glow in the dark monsters watching over me from a shelf hanging on the wall that shook the most and let in the coldest drafts as it faced the ocean…. ahhhhh!!!!
    Those things scared the living hell out if me, I don’t think they lasted a month before I had my mom take them down.
    Funny now at 50yrs old I really want them back, they wouldn’t scare me now… unless they made a glow in the dark Rudy Giuliani (complete with dripping hair) Oooooooh scary!!

    Matthew S. Holder (i.e creaturman)
    June 30, 2021

    I’am a Monster/Kid it heart. Now at 62yrs. young. I’ve build all the Aurora monster models many times over. It’s the monster in me I guess…Laugh! The first model kit I ever build wu’s Aurora’s The Creature From The Black Lagoon still my fav. in the line. I wu’s only 4-6 yrs. old at that time. Didn’t know how to read at that time yet. But build the model by looking at the pictures on the box. Got model glue all over my hands. What a joy me and my Gillman!

    Glen Callahan
    July 9, 2021

    Ah, 1960’s childhood memories. I still have my collection 👍

    Robert Koenn
    July 16, 2021

    I very fondly remember these growing up in the ’60s and built a couple of Aurora kits. I think maybe my first kit was the Aurora Superman and me and two buddies all bought witches when they were released. We had a group build at one of their houses sharing glues and paints. About 12 years ago I go back into geeky model building after seeing the Toys ‘r Us monster four pack of repackaged Aurora monsters. I have since collected all 13 and built them and have them displayed on my shelves. It was a simpler time and kids built models as entertainment which they rarely do these days due to instant gratification entertainment unfortunately.

    July 22, 2021

    Where can I purchase them?

      Classic Monsters
      July 23, 2021

      Hi Adrian – the best place to start is with online auction sites; you may well find specialist marketplaces where you can find the models. Kind regards, Irma

    August 29, 2021

    I live in England and have just seen the kits. Forgotten all about them. Anyway, is it possible to get Dracula, Mummy, Frankinstein. That is are they still made?

      Classic Monsters
      September 3, 2021

      Hi Chris – thanks for your comment. The best place to look for Aurora models is on auction websites – there’s a large and vibrant community of collectors. Kind regards, Irma

    Karl Knopp
    September 1, 2021

    just came across this site.

    I still have all my monsters. I remember when I was a kid I used to watch these old horror movies late at night with a block of chocolate and became addicted. When I saw the Aurora Models in the store, I was hooked. All my pocket money went to models.
    I still have the original made up models, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, Wolfman, Witch, Hunchback, Creature, Forgotten Prisoner, Phantom, and Godzilla. I had them all around my room on shelves. When I left home I packed them in A old sea trunk and newspapers. They were still where I left them under the house 30 years later when mum was selling the home. With a little TLC they now reside in an antique Display cabinet.
    I still have 3 Originals in Boxes unopened. My collection will soon be going to a Toy museum

    David Crail
    September 2, 2021

    Are these models available anymore? I used to have these but they got lost in my travels. I loved them. 😍

      Classic Monsters
      September 3, 2021

      Hi David – the best place to look is on auction websites, as you’ll often find models for sale. Good luck! Kind regards, Irma

    Mark Kreiss
    September 4, 2021

    David Crail,
    Look up the Atlantis Web Site. They are releasing them.
    Have fun!

    Kim Collins
    September 7, 2021

    I was born in 1962. I loved making the models that you had to build, glue together and paint yourself. They were awesome! Then they got wrecked by the model glue sniffing freaks and drug addicts that would try to get high off of smelling the glue. The models were replaced by the snap together kind and they just plain weren’t as fun or challenging to make anymore. There was no challenge so you didn’t get the same satisfaction and pride in making a snap together model as you could building a glue together kind when you were finished! What a sad shame that was. Now all these years later I would love to find monster movie models to make. Do you have the glue together and paint kind of model kits for sale again?

      Classic Monsters
      September 10, 2021

      Hi Kim – thanks for your comment. The best place to look for kits is on auction websites, as you’ll often find models for sale. Good luck! Kind regards, Irma

    Cheryl Manley-Lott
    November 15, 2021

    I had a whole collection of these and LOVED them. I bet I wasn’t the only girl who built these models!

    December 20, 2021


      Classic Monsters
      December 21, 2021

      Hi Bryan – thanks for your comment. The best place to look for kits is on auction websites, as you’ll often find models for sale and there’s a vibrant community out there. Good luck! Kind regards, Irma

    medusa's brother
    December 23, 2021

    I , I’m not alone!

    December 26, 2021

    Great nostalgia. When was getting them as teenager in early 70’s, sometimes used the glow in the dark (then wanted to be a purist).

    I remember a kit of what I call extra pieces (Aurora). Does anyone remember that, what it consisted of? I still have some of the models in storage. Thanks.

      Classic Monsters
      January 4, 2022

      Thanks for getting in touch Kevin – we don’t have details on any other kits, but maybe someone out there can help! Kind regards, Irma

    January 28, 2022

    Hi does your company sell the monster models to build & if so how much

      Classic Monsters
      February 1, 2022

      Hi Victoria – we don’t sell the model kits but there’s a vibrant community out there and if you search auction websites you may well find what you’re looking for. Good luck! Kind regards, Irma

    Jeffrey Wisdom
    February 3, 2022

    Can I purchase model kits of Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, the Wolf Man, Phantom of the Opera, and Bat Man to build myself?

    jeff w

      Classic Monsters
      February 4, 2022

      Hi Jeffrey – thanks for your comment. We don’t sell the kits but if you check auction websites you may well find what you’re looking for. Kind regards, Irma

    February 21, 2022

    When I was a kid we had most of the main monsters and superheroes and lost in space over the years most of them were lost but when I got older I wanted to collect them all in polar lights and another version .I have close to everyone now and it’s been fun putting the collection together.

    March 12, 2022

    Just the other day, I found the box top of my old Aurora Dr. Jekyll as Mr. Hyde and fondly remembered all the others (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolfman, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Mummy, The Phantom of the Opera, Dr. Jekyll as Mr. Hyde and probably my very last was The Bride of Frankenstein) that I bought and lovingly put together.
    Unfortunately, over the years (and many house-moves) I lost all the models and box tops that I had. I wanted (very much) to keep them for my sons (and grandchildren) to see what I enjoyed when I was in primary school and early high school. Now, it saddens me that I was not much much more careful back in those days, so that I would still have them.
    Pity no company has ever thought about recreating them (for public sale) in their original forms, I sure could while away my retirement time now and put my 70-year-old creativity to good use.

    Hector Pereira
    April 1, 2022

    I own all the models pictured here, plus many more. I believe over 300. I began building them in the early 60s I was in third grade. I looked forward to receiving my allowance so I could purchase my model. They were $1.00 each except King Kong And Godzilla they were $1.50 each.

    anthony delsignore
    May 14, 2022

    Where can I buy these models?

      Classic Monsters
      May 17, 2022

      Hi Anthony – the best place to look is online auction sites. There’s a vibrant community out there and you may well be able to find one of the models you’re looking for. Kind regards, Irma

    Gare MacQuarrie
    July 27, 2022

    first of all….who you calling old
    secondly…I used to have all of these but never saw bride of frankenstein kit nor Godzilla
    recently got Gozilla on ebay.seemingly they all been reissued

    August 6, 2022

    I was a huge Aurora monster model building fan as a young boy in the 60s, and I remember watching “Creature Features” in the California bay area late night weekends. I thought it a downfall to the gender of monster films with the release of “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and I knew that the era of Frankenstein, Wolfman, and Dracula was over. Thank goodness for the animated movies like “Hotel Transylvania” to help today’s generation of kids experience the good old fashion type of monsters.

    Susan Johansen
    August 8, 2022

    Why don’t they bring these back. The Halloween season is bigger than Christmas!!!

    Patricia Susan Johansen
    August 8, 2022

    They should bring these back!!! Halloween season is bigger than ever maybe even bigger than Christmas! They’d sell ou immediately

    Randall Niedzwiecki
    August 21, 2022

    I am 66 years old now and I wish I could buy the original aurora monster model kits that I had when I was a kid. I got my first model (Frahkenstein) when I was 8 years old from my sisters best friend in 1964 and was hooked ever since. I had many of them and wish I still had them. After reading all the thoughts from all the other people, all I got to say is, THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES! and PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!

      Classic Monsters
      August 23, 2022

      Hi Randall – thanks for your comment. If you check online auction sites you may well be able to track down one of the models to spark some more nostalgia, as there’s a vibrant collecting community. Kind regards, Irma

    September 10, 2022

    Growing up in the early 1960’s I had all the Aurora monster models. I regret giving them away.i have great memories of putting them together and painting them with the help from my older brothers.

    September 23, 2022

    Had both the rectangular (original) boxes and also purchased the square boxes with the glow-in-the-dark pieces. Of the two, I always preferred the original, but liked the fact that I could see my “monsters” at night all aglow on my bookshelves. The Joe Bama artwork is itself a set of masterpieces, the boxes I wish I had kept but never even thought about as a kid. The Aurora Monster models remain the premier memory of my childhood days as I would spend hours during many evenings huddled over my corner desk with its single light working assiduously on the latest model from Aurora. The good news is, I still have all of these models, having re-worked the painting affects many times over the years, neatly displayed in a glass cabinet in my family room. My children laugh at me, but I often catch them looking at my models when in the family room, and they always catch the attention of anyone who visits. I collected many kinds of models as a kid, but the Aurora models were simply the best.

    It’s an interesting cultural observation that I know of no children – friends of any of my six children – who have ever even thought to build a model or thought them worth their time. Nothing about building or fixing or refurbishing anything is ever mentioned anymore. Hasn’t been for decades. It is curious to think about, isn’t it!

    Anyway, all hail Aurora Monster models!!

    September 29, 2022

    In the autumn shortly before I turned 40, I was suddenly smitten with a nostalgia for my misbegotten youth, which included these wonderful Aurora model kits. In addition to scaring up pristine copies of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazines that I had as a kid, I was able to find and buy (at dear cost) some of the model kits that I built as a young boy. That year I built Frankenstein and a more correct version of the Wolfman that was released under license from Universal. I have since built the Mummy and intend to build the Creature, Dracula and the Forgotten Prisoner as well. Great fun and it brings back a wealth of happy memories.

    Matthew Wilber
    September 30, 2022

    I have 12 of these models that are already assembled from when I was a kid in the early 70s. There are the glow in the dark version. I would like to find a good home for them. Is there any interest out there from a collector standpoint?

      Classic Monsters
      October 4, 2022

      Hi Matthew – there’s a passionate community of collectors out there so you may well find buyers for your models on various auction websites. Good luck! Kind regards, Irma

    Mike Hardenbrook
    October 5, 2022

    Thank you James for your reply. I’m a little late with my thanks.

    February 2, 2023

    I had all 12 of the Glow in the Dark series. Interestingly, the Wolfman did not have glow parts. By the time I made it to The Witch, I was familiar with assembling the models. As a result, I had no problems with the many parts. I recall the models being $3-$5 dollars in the early 70s. I never painted any of the models. Unfortunately, they met their fate at the hands of my shiny new BB gun. Kids destroy things and that is what makes them valuable today.

    Dominick Veccharelli
    February 26, 2023

    I would like the whole series of the first edition to buy

      Classic Monsters
      March 1, 2023

      Hi Dominick – thanks for your comment. If you check online auction sites you may well be able to track down some of the models, as there’s a vibrant collecting community. Kind regards, Irma

    J.C. Nelson
    March 2, 2023

    I built every one, except Bride and Witch.
    I gave all assembled monsters to my nephew in 1978. He displayed them around his room proudly!
    One year later, he used them as targets for his air rifle practice!! I’m

    March 22, 2023

    I wish I could read what their prices are on that ad picture.
    Still a bit too blurry, even blown big.

    rick miller
    March 27, 2023

    I have part one I built…but cannot remember which kit it came from. It was a ground level man behind bars?

    JohnJ Cirrincione
    May 4, 2023

    I would like to purchase old school monster kits from you from the 60s great child hood memories

      Classic Monsters
      May 4, 2023

      Hi John – thanks for your comment. We don’t sell the kits ourselves, but if you check online auction sites you may well be able to track some down, as there’s a vibrant collecting community. Kind regards, Irma

    Mr Dana Townsend
    May 9, 2023

    He’s my little kids are great and my childhood I never bought one but now that I’m growing up in wiser I would like to collect These Fine monster model kits and make my own monster Museum and what’s so good about it they glow in the dark something to leave for my grandkids I think these great kids should be brought back

    Steven Chierello
    May 10, 2023

    How can I get the Frankenstein and Dracula model kits

      Classic Monsters
      May 12, 2023

      Hi Steve – if you check online auction sites you may well be able to track some down, as there’s a vibrant collecting community. Kind regards, Irma

    Mr Dana Townsend
    May 10, 2023

    These are classic model kits the only one I had as a child was the Creature from the Black Lagoon I think they really should bring these model kits back if they do I’m going to start collecting I want to make my own monster Museum to leave for my grandkids

    David White
    May 19, 2023

    Thanks for the information on the Frankenstein model. I still have the model that I was bought in 1964 ish.
    Did Aurora bring out a modelfeaturing a guillotine?

      Classic Monsters
      May 30, 2023

      Yes, there was indeed a guillotine model, which was later re-released by Polar Lights.

    May 20, 2023

    loved the aurora monster series. put together almost everyone of the monsters. the Godzilla and king kong models cost more. In 1974 the regular models were like $3.95, where as Godzilla and king kong were $5.95.but had fewer parts. The only two not found in my area were the witch and Mrs. Frankenstein. And there was only the one type of Hunchback of Noter Dame. The glow in the dark parts didn’t really appeal to me, even though glow n the dark stuff was on the rage then. If your looking for the Aurora monsters, they are sold under Atlanta now for around $39. The boxes are smaller and a few of them have been re-done a bit.

    Gordon S.
    June 2, 2023

    I bought the wolf man model as a boy in about 1965. The store also had a model contest. I won and got a life sized poster of Frankenstein with glow in the dark skin. I put it on my bedroom door and my brother hated it. It scared him too much. I hope to obtain a model or more and put them together again.
    My dad was big on building models. The times are so different now. I am glad to run across this website.

      Classic Monsters
      June 6, 2023

      Thanks Gordon – we’re glad you’re enjoying the site. Kind regards, Irma

    Wayne Frye
    June 7, 2023

    I had the first six models in 1963 and 1964, when they cost 98 cents. Somehow all of these disappeared (except for a few pieces) and no one in my family claimed to know anything about them. This started with birthday gifts of The Wolf Man and The Mummy, and these were followed by Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Creature. Later that year, The Phantom of the Opera was released, and I remember going into the local toy store and there were at least 20 or 30 Phantom model boxes stacked on the floor! I was never aware of The Hunchback model at the time, however.

    A friend and I started collecting them again in 1968, when the price had risen to $1.00. We had multiples of our favorites of the models, as well as one each of Dr. Jekyll as Mr. Hyde, The Forgotten Prisoner, The Bride of Frankenstein, and even The Witch. We never had any interest in Godzilla or King Kong, however (my brother had a Godzilla and I recall it was molded in purple). Most of ours predated the “Frightening Lightning” period, but we did acquire a few of these, which were actually very handy since with the glow parts, we had extra heads and hands available.

    Now, 50+ years later, I still have most of my originals, though many parts are missing or broken and few of the stands have survived. As a retirement project, I have taken to repairing the models, and repainting where necessary, and I have even managed to find some replacement parts.

    I would like to add that I introduced my daughter to the Monster models when she was a child in the 1990’s (the models then were issued by Monogram, and some of them were from the “Luminators” series). What is funny is that she, perhaps 10 years old at the time, did a much better job assembling and painting her models than I had done with mine when I was in high school! I still have all of hers and have gradually repaired them as needed (unfortunately she had to use the “special glue” for kids that was definitely not as good as our “airplane glue”).

    I do have a question that perhaps someone can address: why did Aurora make Dr. Jekyll, The Bride, and The Forgotten Prisoner in a smaller scale than they had the original 7? I always found the different scales to be rather discouraging, especially when displaying them all together!

    June 8, 2023

    Do you sell the models in them

      Classic Monsters
      June 15, 2023

      Hi Mark – we don’t sell the models here, but there’s a large collecting community so if you check auction sites you may find what you’re looking for. Kind regards, Irma

    Matthew S. Holder
    June 16, 2023

    Aurora Plastics Company…A company that became a legend. My first plastic model kit that I ever build was Aurora’s classic movie monster “The Creature From The Black Lagoon” called The Creature (i.e Gillman) I was only not yet 6yrs couldn’t read but looked at the pictures on the intructions like a comic book and put it together. Glue all over hands. Mom…”Look what I did”. As, time as got by I’ve build all of orig. Aurora Monsters Model Kits all 13 at that…I’ve build this kits many times in my life. My fav.? You, got it…The Creature From The Black Lagoon. In July of this year 2023. A’ll be 64yrs young. “I’am Alive!” I’am Alive! M.S.Holder (i.e creaturman)

    Dean Ryan
    June 18, 2023

    There’s a good creepshow episode called model kid for anyone interested… Brings back the dead .

    August 14, 2023

    I enjoyed your article,I live in England,I was very young,Is it my imagination or was the witch model called The Witch Of Endor?

      Classic Monsters
      August 22, 2023

      Hi Troy – thanks for your comment. We don’t recall the witch being called the Witch of Endor, but do any of our other readers remember this?

    November 1, 2023

    I built the first “classic” seven of these monster models, each one meticulously painted to be as realistic as possible. I kept them for years eventually safely packing them away in a big box with “Do Not Throw Away” written on every side which was stored at my parent’s house when I moved to Australia for eight years. When I returned I discovered my father, bless his black heart, had thrown them away along with my complete set of Civil War cards (Yes I even had number one “The Angry Old Man”). Awards for basketball championships, canoeing medals, and all the memorabilia from my youth. All sent to the garbage. It was easy to hate that P.O.S. of a feral father. “Have another cigarette, Ralph”.

    November 1, 2023

    I must have built all of these in their first editions. They have sadly vanished since, but not the memories. It is somehow comforting to read these comments and realize that others had the same childhood experiences that I did. It suggests, dare I say, something “Universal” about being human?

    My mom did get a bit concerned when I got the “Madame Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors Guillotine” kit. It was functional. The model maker could determine the victim’s fate. That plastic blade would fall down and the head would fall neatly into the basket – well, most times.
    Also, does anyone remember the pirate kits? Not truly monsters, but they did monstrous things, within the pirate code, of course!

    Stan Coleite
    December 26, 2023

    Amazing! So great! Thanks for the wonderful memories! Frankenstein’s Monster was my first too. Wish I still had it!

    Chris Price
    March 19, 2024


    I have an original Aurora Creature molded in YELLOW. I figure it was a test shot since the kit was only molded in green. It is built but not painted. It is missing one foot and the snake. I am about to offer it on eBay but I’m putting out feelers first to guys like you that have an appreciation for these kits as much as I do. Any idea of its value, or can you put me in touch with someone that might know? Thanks very much for your consideration!

    Chris Price

    Chuck Cobb
    July 6, 2024

    On my 10th birthday I got Wolf Man and Dracula models. Good buddy David Daniel put them together for me. They were placed on a shelf directly behind my top bunk bed. I was unable to sleep with them right behind my head looming over me. I finally called my mom to come and get them. She took them and placed them on chest of drawers in her room. I could see down the hall and to the back side of her room. They they were on top of her chest of drawers looking thru her room and down the hall at me. I called out and asked her to move them to another place where I couldn’t see them!

    July 8, 2024

    Aurora extended the series to include the universal monsters driving hot rods. I had The Wolfman Wagon. I dont know what else they did. I presume they were trying to sppeal to teens who had heard and liked The Monster Mash.

    Tony Cwikla
    August 18, 2024

    Any news on a Frankenstein Revell re-release anytime soon?

      Classic Monsters
      August 20, 2024

      Hi Tony – we don’t have any news on this right now, but there might be some more information out there in the model community.

    Bob Briggs
    September 12, 2024

    So cool to see so many others were fans of these models.
    I first got these in the late 60’s.I had Dracula,Frankenstein,Creature of the black lagoon,Phantom of the opera, Mummy,Wolfman,Godzilla,and The forgotten prisoner of castle mare. For some reason I despised flat color paints.My dad tried to convince me to use them but I didn’t listen.When I was 15 my folks decided to move from PA to FL. I knew the models would never survive so I gave them to two brothers up the street from us.You would have thought I gave them a million dollars!
    I missed them for a long time.Fast forward 20 years later.My wife and I were in Toys R Us. I went to the model section.I could not believe what I was seeing. All of the Aurora monster models re-issued by Polar Lights !!! I bought all the ones I used to have but this time I took dad’s advice and used a lot of flat color paints.Godzilla+the Creature were the ones that got the gloss paints.(and the inside of Draculas cape ).Boy was dad right (as usual) They look terrific! They are now in a sealed dust free display case with optional lighting. So glad they are a part of my life again.Thanks to all of you for sharing your memories.

    Jim O'Neill
    September 14, 2024

    I love all you guys! I feel like we were all friends but never met. I was able to rescue my models (as well as most of my comics and my Monster Times collection) after moving to my first apartment, and put them in storage until I had a house. They will need some restoration and repainting/rebuilding, but now my son and the love of his life will be working on that WITH me. What a way to bond with the next generation.

    Jay Anz
    September 26, 2024

    Aurora’s Universal Monster models was my introduction to Universal Monsters. I saw the add on the back of DC comic books in ’63. Mom bought me all 6 of the 1st line right away, she put them together & painted them for me. I was only 6…haha. Then of course I found Forry’s Famous Monsters mags. It turned me into a life long fan

    Jay Anz
    September 26, 2024

    Daddy made me a cool shelf for all my Monster models to sit on in ’64. To this day they still sit on that shelf…very cool.

    Fred Kuepper
    October 14, 2024

    Hello all,
    Just found this site. It’s great to see there’s still a love for these models. Proud to say that I still have every one but The Bride Of Frankenstein. They are all in a beautiful cherry wood and 3 sided glass showcase, with a mirrored back and a display light at the top. All were bought in the 60’s and meticulously assembled and carefully hand painted by my dad and I. Our love for those classic horror monster movies made us true fans. I wish I could share a picture of this display for you all, but there isn’t a way to do so. I don’t see any mention of “The Vulture” which I also have. I will keep searching for The Bride one to complete this original collection. If there were a worthwhile market for this collection, I’d consider selling it. Anyways, it was great to see all the comments, knowing there’s still a lot of us nostalgia buffs out there!

    K L N
    October 21, 2024

    I remember my brother building these monsters in the 1970s. Too bad he doesn’t have any of these. Brings back alot of memories.

    Rob Lambert
    October 23, 2024

    So cool had each one of the models

    John M. Huber
    October 29, 2024

    I remember when each monster kit starting w Frankenstein came out. Then the Accessories sets (the Screaming Skull was neat cause the jaw was on a hinge. Our cat loved to bat it around the apartment because it rattled.)
    I don’t remember if the Guillotine was part of this series but I put a couple of pennies in the “blade box” and trimmed the prisoner’s neck so when you pulled the string the blade fell pretty fast & the head was chopped-off!
    I was fortunate to be old enough to earn money mowing lawns. I was also able to get the MPC horror figures and the Palmer Movie Monsters.
    I have no idea what happened to them all. I grew-up, went away to college, married my high school sweetheart and forgot all about them. I’m 72yrs, we’ll have been married fifty years in 2025, and I wish I still had ’em! (heavy sigh)
    But, thru the internet I can at least find photos to print-off!

    January 5, 2025

    Frightening Lightning in 1969 still had the oblong boxes but with a lightning burst in the front. Square boxes came later.

    January 20, 2025

    I had the ORIGINAL Aurora ..Frank, Wolf Man & Mummy kits. I recall my Wolf Man in the box was a weird tan color. I put them together….& my Mother & I hand painted them all….with all the right colors to make look real. Wish I still had them….and many other diff toys I had from the 1960’s.

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