Ferocious Felines Archives - Classic Monsters

Black Cat, The (Universal [...]
When Universal teamed Karloff and Lugosi in all but billing for their Edgar Allan Poe inspired The Black Cat, released on the 7th of […]

Black Cat, The (Universal [...]
Universal’s 1941 film, The Black Cat, was released on 2nd May 1941. Having nothing to do with the 1934 Karloff / Lugosi film of […]

Cat Creeps, The (Universal [...]
The Cat Creeps was released on the 17th of May, 1946 as a double feature alongside She-Wolf of London. Starring Noah Beery Jr and […]

Shadow of the Cat, [...]
Hammer’s The Shadow of the Cat was released on the 1st of May in 1961. Directed by John Gilling, and starring André Morell and […]