Bride of Frankenstein, James Whale’s stunning sequel to his original 1931 Frankenstein, was released on the 6th of May, 1935, although it had originally […]

The Brides of Dracula (1960) is Hammer fans’ favourite film and, although this masterpiece is undoubtedly one of the finest films the studio ever […]

The 7th of June 1962 saw the initial release of Hammer’s smuggling adventure Captain Clegg (named Night Creatures in the USA), which appeared as […]

Universal’s Captive Wild Woman was released on the 4th of June, 1943, some eighteen months later than planned. Produced by Ben Pivar and directed […]

The Cat and the Canary is a confident movie. The timing of the clattering window shutter is too perfect, the cinematography too slick, the […]

The Cat Creeps was released on the 17th of May, 1946 as a double feature alongside She-Wolf of London. Starring Noah Beery Jr and […]

Monogram and Lugosi struck again in 1942, with The Corpse Vanishes, a frivolous wheeze about drop-dead gorgeous brides apparently dropping dead at the altar. […]