The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide Signed + Art Print


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Product Description

This title is now sold out – click here for the regular unsigned edition.

The first 250 copies of The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide are signed by authors Nige Burton and Jamie Jones, and come with a FREE art print!

Discover the horror that lies beyond new scientific frontiers with our luxurious signed Ultimate Guide to The Fly, an essential moment in science fiction and monster movie history.

The evolution of the science fiction and horror movie genres is full of highlights, and 1958’s The Fly is without doubt one of them, helping to shape the concept of science gone wrong that had driven many a golden age classic. Its combination of suspense, wonder and horror, with an affecting and poignant human tragedy at its heart, makes for a haunting and claustrophobic experience – Classic Monsters celebrate this movie evergreen with a luxurious signed Ultimate Guide that takes you back to André Delambre’s mysterious lab in style.

The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide Magazine

This glorious signed magazine guide to The Fly is packed with information on the movie’s development, from its origins in George Langelaan’s horrific 1957 short story right through to the tense, enigmatic production that delighted audiences when it hit movie screens under the Twentieth Century-Fox banner. Expertly helmed by Kurt Neumann, and thanks to the work of a skilled cast and crew, the big-screen debut of Langelaan’s story gave the tale a vibrant new identity. Science fiction became science horror, and the motion picture world was all the richer for it.

The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide Magazine

Every page of this lovingly designed signed guide to The Fly captures the movie’s eerie mood, with clean timeless presentation married to a wealth of pin-sharp stills to immerse you in the story of André’s doomed attempts to revolutionise science. A range of articles explores the movie’s origins, its similarities to – and divergences from – the original tale, and the studio decision-making that made it what it is today. As you explore this fact-packed signed guide to The Fly you’ll rediscover the many reasons for its enduring popularity.

The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide Magazine

In bringing the story to the screen, Neumann had a great cast to work with. Stars David Hedison and Patricia Owens infused lead characters André and Hélène with tenderness and pathos, the strength of their connection making André’s accident and its terrible consequences all the more horrifying. The cast also featured heavyweight support from Vincent Price and Herbert Marshall, with child star Charles Herbert’s performance bringing a sense of grounded reality to the wild story. The signed edition of The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide features informative biographies of the key cast and crew, giving you a fresh appreciation of the many skilled artists whose work remains so powerful today and whose other projects may surprise you.

The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide Magazine

There really is nothing like this signed magazine guide to The Fly. Designed and produced to the highest standard, it reflects the passion that inspires every Classic Monsters magazine, giving you a new and exciting window into this unique sci-fi nightmare. Printed to exemplary standards on the finest quality paper stocks, it has an irresistible air of crispness and quality that no fan of The Fly should be without. Our celebrated use of full colour print techniques on world-class Heidelberg presses means that even black and white stills have an enviable richness, with deep black tones and clear definition.

The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide Magazine

Housekeeper Emma says André hasn’t left his lab again for dinner, and he certainly isn’t saying much. His handwriting seems to have become so much worse since he started working on that disintegrator-integrator too. It’s probably nothing to worry about, so swat that annoying bug out of the way – where did that come from? – and settle down with the signed Ultimate Guide to The Fly. It’s the only way to relax these days…

Remember, the first 250 copies of The Fly 1958 Ultimate Guide are signed by the authors and come with this stunning FREE art print, so place your order today:

The Fly 1958 Art Print

Remember, the signed edition of this title is sold out, so click here for the regular version.

Or, if you’d prefer something extra special, click here to check out the exclusive limited hardback edition – there are only 50 in the world!

  • 36 pages
  • A4
  • Full colour throughout
  • Luxury gloss laminated cover
  • Signed by both authors and hand-numbered
  • Includes a FREE limited edition numbered The Fly art print

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